Various projects related to code, music, games, and more

Posts in the Music category

  1. OP-Z Fun

    Recently I purchased a Teenage Engineering OP-Z. Many of you have probably seen the OP-1 videos all over the internet—it looks like a weird piece of medical equipment, but it makes sweet, sweet tunes. The OP-Z is their new flagship product, not trying to replace the OP-1, but it is smaller and more powerful in some interesting ways.

  2. New Music: Exiting

    Okay, so I know I can't compose for piano to save my life... and I surely can't play it with the grace I would like... but here's a little direct expression for you.

  3. Job & New Music

    I think I'll finally be getting a job offer today, so it seems only fitting that I update with a new track by this title.

  4. No Ho0ber For Me!

    So it appears that I've lost any hope of gaining access to my old blog, For some reason it was linked to a hotmail account I don't remember having (not that it would tell me the actual address), and I surely don't remember what password I signed up with originally.