Various projects related to code, music, games, and more

Job & New Music

This blog post originally appeared on and has been copied here for posterity and to remind myself of what I was like in 2008.

I think I'll finally be getting a job offer today, so it seems only fitting that I update with a new track by this title.

Music: Moving On (New Track in Progress)

This is my latest track in progress. So far I'm pleased with how it is working out, though I'm a little concerned that part of it is a little too inspired by some trance I've listened to recently, so I'll have to go listen to every bit of music I own to find out why it sounds so familiar. I'm thinking it is straight out of some Tiesto, PVD, Ian Van Dahl, or someone like that.

I still need to do a lot of work on the transitions, but I think it will come out pretty nicely. Let me know what you think!

UPDATE: I tweaked the drums and the arrangement a little bit.

UPDATE: I took the job, and I start Monday. Yay!